Friday, September 21, 2012

Function Notation

Function Notation (Section 1.1)

Definition: a "name" or "label" given to a specific equation so that it can be easily referenced

Why Function Notation? Function Notation provides you with more flexibility in your equation; you can use more than one function at a time without mixing up equations, and also, it is usefully explanatory.

  • F = name of the function 
  • F(x) = output value at input value of x
    • Input = independent variable 
    • Output = dependent variable

F(x) is the value of "f" at "x" or "f" of "x".

F(x) is the same as the y coordinate.


1. Evaluate f(x) = 3 - 2x when f(-1) and f(0).

Step 1: plug in -1 for every x variable

  • f(-1)= 3 - 2(-1) 
Step 2: Solve
  • f(-1) = 3 - 2(-1) 
  • f(-1) = 5
Hint: Other names can be given to equations such as: g(x) or q(t) 


2. What does the function notation g(8) represent? 

Answer: the output of the function "g" when the input is "8" 

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